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Green Economy Transition Promises Multiple Benefits for Small Island States


UNEP has also recently launched a unique new Foresight Process to identify and prioritize global emerging environmental and sustainability issues from the perspective of the SIDS. The Foresight Process will contribute to the Third International Conference on SIDS in 2014.

UNEP is also working with partners to produce a “Guidance Manual on Valuation and Accounting of Ecosystem Services for Small Islands Developing States”, which aims to develop the capacity of governments to integrate economic valuations of environmental capital into sustainable development planning and implementation.


Source: UNEP.



  • The Third SIDS Conference, to be held from 1 to 4 September 2014 in Apia, Samoa, will seek to achieve the following objectives: assess the progress to date and the remaining gaps in the implementation; seek a renewed political commitment by focusing on practical and pragmatic actions for further implementation; identify new and emerging challenges and opportunities for the sustainable development of SIDS and means of addressing them; and identify priorities for the sustainable development of SIDS to be considered in the elaboration of the post-2015 UN development agenda.
  • The Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro in 1992 marked the first time that the special characteristics of SIDS were paid significant attention and were recognized as a distinct group. For a full list of SIDS and country profiles, visit: http://unohrlls.org/about-sids/country-profiles/
  • The Barbados Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of SIDS (BPOA) is a 14-point programme that identifies priority areas and specific actions necessary for addressing the special challenges faced by SIDS. The priority areas are: Climate change and sea-level rise; natural and environmental disasters; management of wastes; coastal and marine resources; freshwater resources; land resources; energy resources; tourism resources; biodiversity resources; national institutions and administrative capacity; regional institutions and technical cooperation; transport and communication; science and technology; and human resources development.